July 13-17, 2020
Teaching at the Cordova 4H Bluegrass Camp in Cordova AK. Camp is for kids 9-18, but lessons on the dulcimer and all bluegrass instruments are offered for adults in the late afternoon. Hawaiian Camp is offered for children 6-8 years old. If you happen to be in Cordova, join us at camp. Or use this workshop as an excuse to bring your kids to Alaska and check out this fishing village on Prince William Sound. See cordovamusiccamp.org.
May 30, 2020
Join Waterbound Dulcimers for a jam at the Bentonville Battlefield outside of Newton Grove, NC. All acoustic instruments welcome. Bring a chair, something to share for lunch and $2 to cover the price of table service. We meet at the picnic shelter next to the Harper House. Jam begins at 10am, lunch around noon, then more jamming until everyone goes home. You might want to stay late and check out this Civil War battlefield. I'll lead a slow jam in the morning if there is interest.
May 21-24, 2020
Teaching at Crooked Road Dulcimer Festival, Ferrum College, Ferrum VA. This is a great festival in the foothills of VA with workshops, dulcimer orchestra and evening concerts, held in the foothills of Virginia. Checkout crookedroaddulcimerfestival.org
April 18, 2020
Teaching at Waterbound Dulcimer's Workshop at Queen Street United Methodist Church, Kinston, NC.. Join us for an all-day workshop, followed by a concert from the instructors. Contact me through this site for details.
March 7, 2020
Teaching at Mid-Winter Dulcimer Festival at The LeGrand Center, Shelby, NC, put on by The Foothills Dulcimer Club. Join us and learn to play the mountain dulcimer, or improve your skills. See jcdulcimer.com for details.
November 21 - 24, 2019
Teaching at the North Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association's Fall Festival at Unicoi State Park. in Helen Georgia. Come and join us in learning to play the dulcimer, enjoying dulcimer music, jamming, and even a contra dance. Check out ngfda.com
November 9, 2019
Waterbound Dulcimers perform at Governor Charles B. Aycock Birthplace in Fremont, NC, from 10 - 11. , for their Fall Festival. historicsites.nc.gov
August 18, 2019
St Paul's Episcopal Church, 10:30 service
August 17, 2019
Flat Mountain Dulcimers at Waynesborough Park, Goldsboro NC, 9:00 - 11:00 performance for for Beekeepers of the Neuse's celebration of National Honey Bee day.
July 15 - 19, 2019
Teaching at Cordova 4H Music Camp, Cordova Alaska. Camp for children 9 - 18, instruction also available for adults cordovamusiccamp.org
June 27, 2019
Flat Mountain Dulcimers performing for Wayne County Teacher Appreciation Reception, Goldsboro, NC
June 22, 2019
Waterbound Dulcimers at Governor Charles B. Aycock Birthplace Historic Site, 10 - 12.
May 31, 2019 Flat Mountain Dulcimers private concert at ReNu Life, Goldsboro NC
May 23-26, 2019
Teaching at Crooked Road Dulcimer Festival in Ferrum, VA. A four day workshop on the campus of Ferrum College. http://crookedroaddulcimerfestival.org/
May 18, 2019
Waterbound Dulcimers Spring Jam at Bentonville Battlefield, Newton Grove, NC. Come and join us with your acoustic instrument. Fun begins at 10am and continues until everyone goes home.
April 6, 2019
Teaching at Waterbound Dulcimers Workshop, Kinston, NC. All day workshop with instructors including Joe Collins, Larry and Elaine Conger, Margit Roberson, Barbara Strickland. Contact me for details
March 2, 2019
Teaching at Mid-Winter Dulcimer Festival, Shelby NC. Other instructors include Joe Collins, Michael Anderson, Anne Lough, Margit Roberson, Judy and Kirk House, Don Pedi and Michael Shull www.jcdulcimer.com
February 22, 2019 10:00 - 12:00
Teaching "Born in the Appalachians: The Mountain Dulcimer, Its Music and Its People" at East Carolina University's Lifelong Learning Program The Lifelong Learning Program is limited to people aged 55 and up. llp.ecu.edu
November 14-18, 2018
Teaching at North Georgia Foothills Dulcimer Association Fall Festival, Unicoi State Park, Helen, Georgia ngfda.org
November 10, 2018
Waterbound Dulcimers plays at Charles B. Aycock Birthplace State Historic Site, Fremont, NC , 10:00 - 12;00. aycock@ncder.gov
October 6, 2018
Flat Mountain Dulcimers plays at Ol’ Front Porch Music Festival, Oriental, NC. 10:00 - 11:15 at Inn at Oriental, 508 Church Street. olfrontporchmusicfestival.org
August 25, 2018
Play Music on the Front Porch Day! Come on over to my porch about 10:00 and bring your friends. I’ve got a swing and rockers and some chairs without arms. My neighbors always enjoy hearing us play. Come and join us!
August 23, 2018
Waterbound Dulcimers concert at First Baptist Church, Goldsboro, NC (private)
July 11, 2018
Waterbound Dulcimers concert for Wayne County Seniors at the Herman Park Center, Goldsboro, NC (private)
July 16 - 20, 2018
Cordova 4H Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Camp, Cordova Alaska, ages 9-18. cordovamusiccamp.org
May 25 - 27, 2018
Teaching at Crooked Road Dulcimer Festival, Ferrum VA. ferrum.edu
April 14, 2018
Teaching at Waterbound Dulcimers Workshop, Queen Street United Methodist Church, Kinston, NC